Gifted Enrichment Curriculum


    Primary Education Thinking Skills or PETS™ is a systematized enrichment and diagnostic thinking skills program. Lessons are presented in convergent analysis, divergent synthesis, visual/spatial thinking, and evaluation, suitable for grades K-3. The program aligns to the higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.”




    ThinkLaw is a “curriculum that uses real-life legal cases in upper grades and fairy tales and nursery rhymes in lower grades as a hook to unleash the critical thinking potential of all students”.




    Jacob's Ladder Reading Comprehension Program: Grades 1-2 book cover


    Jacob's Ladder targets reading comprehension and critical thinking skills in high-ability learners.”


    William and Mary School of Education:




    The Great Books Foundation


    Junior Great Books combine high-quality literature, student-centered discussion, and activities that support reading comprehension, critical thinking, speaking and listening, and writing in a shared inquiry approach.







    Building thinking classrooms is a rapidly-growing educational approach that aims to help students cultivate critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and active engagement."



    Habits of Mind Kids

    “Habits of Mind is 16 critical thinking, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills that 21st-century students will need to build tomorrow’s world.”



    d and c pic

    “The Depth and Complexity Icons are visual prompts designed to help students go beyond surface level understanding of a concept and enhance their ability to think critically. These critical thinking tools help students dig deeper into a concept (depth) and understand that concept with greater complexity.”



    We will also do integrated problem-based learning (PBLs) and STEM activities.