• Our Philosophy on Student Behavior:

    We believe that Together Everyone Achieves More. Students cannot change their Intellectual Quotient, but they can change their Emotional Quotient. In other words, we believe that what you know matters, but who you are matters more. Therefore, ALL students can choose to display good character in the classroom, at recess, and during all school related activities.

    Our classroom rules will be created by the students during week 1. Once they are created, the rules will become our fifth grade rules based on the six pillars of character from Character Counts. These pillars include: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, & Citizenship. Examples of these pillars are listed below.


    • Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat or steal • Be reliable - do what you say you’ll do •

    • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a good reputation • Be loyal •


    • Treat others with respect & follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant of differences •

    • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others •

    • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements •


    • Do what you are supposed to do • Persevere: keep on trying! • Always do your best •

    • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you act - consider the consequences •

    • Be accountable for your choices • Return assignments on time • Seek help when necessary •


    • Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded • Listen to others •

    • Don’t take advantage of others •


    • Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude •

    • Forgive others • Help people in need •


    • Do your share to make your school and community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Respect authority • Protect the environment



    Students who behave appropriately may be positively rewarded with:

    -Verbal Praise  -Character Dollars        -Treasure Box  -Responsibility Recess



    If a student makes the decision to break a rule, the following consequences may apply:

    -Warning        -Reflection Sheet         -Note Home   -Lunch Detention       -Contact Parent

    Rewards and Consequences are upon teacher discretion and can be changed at any time.



    1. All assignments are to be completed by the student and turned in on time.

    2. Late work may be accepted at the discretion of each teacher and may receive only partial credit.

    3. If the student can give the teacher a written note from a parent or guardian, with an acceptable reason for the tardiness of the assignment, an extension will be granted and late points will not be deducted.

    4. A general rule is that students have the number of days that they were absent to turn in missed work. (Example: Absent 2 days, have 2 days to make up the work)


    Friday Folders/Weekly Newsletters

    Friday folders will be sent home each week. These folders will include a weekly newsletter, a student behavior log, and any graded work. Folders will be due on the following Tuesday. For example, if your folder is given to you on Friday, August 7, then it would be due Tuesday, August 11. If students return folders on time, they will be rewarded with character cash. If students do not return these folders signed on the due date, then they will receive a lunch detention.


    Every child will be provided with their own agenda. Students are expected fill out their agendas DAILY. There will be a box for your child to write in the day’s homework assignments or upcoming project or test dates in each subject. *The students are required to have a parent’s signature at least once each week. This indicates that parents have been made aware of any homework their child may have that particular week. Teachers may also use the assignment notebook as a quick way to jot parents a note, so please check the agenda as often as you’d like.


    PowerSchool is a great way to keep track of a student’s progress. Parents and students can login to see what their current grades are and they can see if they have any missing work. Missing work can drastically affect a student’s overall grade. If a student would like help accessing their PowerSchool information, they can get login information from the office and then we can help them in class.


    Conferences are not required, but highly encouraged. On average, conferences usually last approximately 15 minutes. You will meet with each fifth grade teacher. It is important to be punctual to respect the time of others. Conferences will be held in October and February. Parents will receive an e-mail from SignUpGenius to schedule your conference.


    Classroom Parties

    The following parties are scheduled during the school year: Fall Party, Holiday Party, Valentine’s Day Party, and End of the Year Celebration.


    Student Snacks for Classrooms

    All classrooms are designated as “NUT FREE”. This means that any snacks a student brings to the classroom must be NUT FREE and portioned controlled. In other words, please do not send family size portions with student to share. Suggested snacks are: pretzels, popcorn, rice snacks, chips, crackers, goldfish, graham crackers, fruit snacks -- but always check the label. Students are allowed to eat snacks during the day while actively working on assignments. If it becomes a distraction, student will be asked to put snack away.

    We do encourage students to bring a healthy snack and a water bottle to school daily. We know how difficult it is to concentrate on an empty stomach.

    We have already discussed the rules and procedures outlined in this packet with your child during the first week of school; however, we would like you to review both the school rules and the Policies & Procedures with your child before signing and returning the following page to school. We find it very important for parents to go over the expectations and discuss them with students to ensure we are all on the same page!


    We strongly believe that it is in everyone’s best interest to work together and follow these guidelines in order to enhance the academic environment in school. We truly appreciate your cooperation and support to make this a wonderful school year!