It is a philosophy that will transform your school, work, and family culture because it raises everyone's E.Q.

  • What is All Things E.Q.?

    All Things E.Q. (Emotional Quotient) is a character education program that transforms school culture and prepares students to “show up” positively to achieve academic success in school.

    Our weekly messages create a shared vocabulary on campus because they include the entire school and are also sent to parents.

    A Gallup Poll shows, All Things E.Q. increases student engagement and on-campus feelings of hope & well-being. An Independent four-year study showed with statistical significance that All Things E.Q. raised ELA & Math Scores on State Assessments, increased attendance, and decreased student discipline referrals in both frequency and severity.

    There are many programs available to schools. However, few programs connect emotional skills to learning. All Things E.Q. supports academics and is aligned with the mission and purpose of schools.

    What All Things E.Q. is Not

    • All Things E.Q. does not partner with any corporation(s) or not-for-profits, nor do we have any political affiliations or funding.
    • All Things E.Q. does not teach Critical Race Theory, religious or sex education.
    • All Things E.Q. encourages critical thinking rather than blind obedience. We ask questions rather than dictate rules.
    • All Things E.Q. is transparent. Each week we send parents the motto for the week with our key insights, so parents get the same information as their students.
    • All Things E.Q. improves academic learning rather than impedes learning. See results of a  of the program's effects on academics and attendance.