• McKinney-Vento Act: Homeless/Highly Mobile Services

    The McKinney-Vento Homeless Student Assistance Act protects the rights of all homeless/highly mobile students. The act defines homeless children as young people between the ages of 2 to 18 years old who lack a fixed regular and adequate nighttime residence and may:

    • Live in a hotel or motel;
    • Live in a shelter/transitional housing program;
    • Sharing housing with another family due to loss of housing, stemming from financial hardship;
    • Live in a trailer park or campsite due to the lack of adequate living accommodations;
    • Live in an abandoned building, parked car, or other facility not designed as regular sleeping accommodation for human beings;
    • Lives with another person due to the death or incarceration of a parent
    • Lives as a youth on their own due to abandonment or runaway status  

    Students are identified by the District Homeless liaison or through referrals made by District employees, community members, city agency employees or self-referrals. If you think your children may be eligible, contact the local liaison to find out what services and support might be available.

    Deer Valley Unified School District Homeless Liaison:

    Stacey Scholl 


    Manager of Federal Program

    Lisa Crain


    For more information, please click here: Homeless/Highly Mobile