• Emergency Contact Form (aka The Pink Sheet):

    All emergency "pink sheets" are now managed online through Powerschools in student enrollment forms. It is important that this information be updated every school year in order for the school to contact you. Please provide names and phone numbers of emergency contacts, in order of preference, so we can call if we are unable to reach a parent. Any changes to names, numbers, or emergency contacts will need to be made in person with the registrar once the school year has started. It is imperative to include your child’s medical conditions and any medications they are taking on their health history form. If any of this information changes throughout the school year, contact the health center and let the school nurse know.

    See the source image


    Physical Education Excuses:

    Students requesting to be excused from PE must bring a note, signed by their parent, to the nurse or PE teacher. Any request for three or more consecutive PE excuses must be accompanied by a Physician's written order.  PE teachers will be informed of the length of excuse and any accommodations that need to be made for your child.  If your child has a health condition that causes him/her to miss PE class frequently, a doctor's note may be requested.