• These expectations are designed to create a supportive and structured environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. 

    Accommodations are made based on specific needs and abilities within the SPED classroom setting.

    1. Respect Everyone: Treat classmates, teachers, and visitors with kindness. Use respectful language and gestures at all times.

    2. Follow Directions: Listen carefully when instructions are given. Follow directions the first time they are given to ensure smooth learning activities.

    3. Participate Positively: Contribute to class discussions and activities to the best of your ability. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.

    4. Work Hard: Stay focused on your tasks and complete assignments to the best of your ability. Ask for help when needed.

    5. Use Materials Wisely: Handle classroom materials and equipment with care. Return them to their proper places after use to keep our learning environment organized.

    6. Be Safe: Follow safety rules and procedures to ensure everyone's well-being. Walk calmly in the classroom and common areas, and keep hands and feet to yourself.

    7. Be Accountable: Take ownership of your actions and their consequences. Accept feedback and work towards improving behavior and academic performance.

    8. Respect Personal Space: Understand and respect the personal space of others. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself to maintain a safe and comfortable learning environment.

    9. Celebrate Differences: Appreciate and celebrate the unique qualities and abilities of each classmate. Treat everyone with inclusivity and understanding.

    10. Have Fun Learning: Approach each day with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. Celebrate achievements, both big and small, and support your classmates in their success.

    **Practice reading something fun or interesting for 10 minutes a day**

    Practice Reading something fun for 10 minutes a day!