
    Registration Information:

    Registrar:                     Brienne Peck

    Registration Hours:      8:30am-3:30 pm

    Registrar Phone #:      623-445-4306

    Office Fax #:                623-445-4380

    Registrar Email:           Brienne.peck@dvusd.org


    What to bring: (Required by AZ Dept. of Education)

                Immunization records

           Parent/guardian photo ID (driver’s license, passport)

          Original birth certificate or a certified copy

              Proof of residency (utility bill, lease agreement, escrow paperwork)

          Legal guardian or custody paperwork, if applicable

          Official withdrawal form from the previously attended school

          Official report card/transcript from previously attended school


    Documents to be completed by parent/guardian:

        Student Registration form

        PHLOTE Home Language Survey

         McKinney-Vento Eligibility Questionnaire

         Arizona Residency Documentation Form or/ Affidavit of Shared Residence

         Student Health and Emergency Information form

         Questionnaire for Kindergarten Parents


    Open Enrollment:

    For new students living outside the Mountain Shadows enrollment boundaries, please apply

    for Open Enrollment online at the Deer Valley Unified School District website at www.dvusd.org/openenrollment. 




    Under state law, schools must have written proof of immunization before admitting a child to school. Generally, most types of records supplied by the health care provider are acceptable, as are records supplied by a previous school.

    Immunizations required are described in the Health Center section of the Parent/Student handbook. After the immunization record has been reviewed, the school will notify you if your child's immunizations are incomplete. If you receive such a notice, please have the missing vaccinations(s) taken care of as soon as possible so he/she can continue school without interruption.

    If your child should not be immunized because of a medical condition, personal belief, or natural immunity (i.e., he/she has already had the vaccine preventable disease), you must file a Request for Exemption with the school.