• ?Please call our 24-Hour Attendance Line (623-376-4590) before 8:45 AM if your child will be late or absent. 

    Attendance/Tardy Policies

    Please be aware that checking your child in late or out early may result in either a half day or full day absence.

    If it is necessary for you to pick up your child during school hours, you must come to the school office to sign him or her out.  Please do not call the office and request that your child be ready and waiting for you.  Your child will only be released to his or her parent/guardian or the person(s) designated on the emergency card.  Please have a photo ID ready to show to the office staff.  A note or telephone call is not sufficient to release your child from school.

    Tardy is arriving late for school.  Legend Springs School starts at 8:45 AM.  Students must be signed in at the office when they are late for any reason.  Only verified doctors' notes will be considered for an excused tardy.  Students will receive a lunch detention on their 5th tardy and each tardy thereafter per quarter.  Please have your child at school on time.

    Absences in PowerSchool are counted for AM and PM sessions. Look at the "Homeroom" line for absences, then divide this number by two for an accurate count. Click on the number of absences to see the dates. Only "Homeroom" absences are counted for Kindergarten through 6th grade.

    The CUTS (Court Unified Truancy Suppression) Program is in effect at Legend Springs.