
    BGHS Gifted Services


    IB Honors and Gifted Cohort - "School within a School" Model

    • Students in 9th and 10th grade are grouped together in Honors ELA, History, and Science courses
    • School Gifted Counselor as well as IB MYP Coordinator meet one-on-one with students to develop academic and personal/social skills
    • School Gifted Counselor and Gifted Specialists provide students with an individualized pathway based on needs and interests

    Unique Courses and Opportunities at BGHS

    • Gifted Seminar H
    • Marketing, Graphic Design, Software and Application Development, and Business Management
    • Psychology
    • Theatre, Music, Art, Dance
    • Culinary Arts
    • Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
    • Law Enforcement
    • Sports Medicine
    • Education Professions
    • International Baccalaureate Programme
    • AP and Dual Enrollment offerings

    Personal/Social Skills

    • Designated Gifted Specialist and Gifted Counselor who work with students all four years
    • Gold Days – Small group support throughout the year
    • Advisory - small group centered on academic, personal and social skill building

    Other Unique Features

    • International Baccalaureate World School #01131
    • Sophomore Projects, Senior Institute, Take a Bite Out of High School – Middle School Program
    • Home of
      • DV Pathways (金多宝心水论坛 Night School)
      • Avenue 27 (金多宝心水论坛 CTE Culinary Arts Restaurant) 


    Qualifying Scores:

    Have a gifted identification score at the 80th percentile or higher on an Arizona State approved test in the areas of Verbal, Quantitative, and/or Nonverbal

    If you are interested in gifted identification testing, please contact Ali Murray (ali.murray@dvusd.org).


    Campus Contacts

    Ashley Halloff

    Gifted Specialist

    Victoria Munoz

    Gifted Specialist

    Courtenay Douglas-Salisbury

    Academic Counselor


    IB Coordinator


     Assistant Principal of Curriculum