


    Dymond's Update October 14, 2024

    Confererence Week: Half Days Thursday and Friday 11:20 release

    Math Practice at Home:

    Students are expected to complete 4 Fluency Flights and 2 My Path Lesson weekly on iReady. It has been an adjustment to the new math program for the students as well as myself, but with a growth mindset, we are getting there. I give the students at least 30 minutes throughout the day to work on their iReady lessons, and most students complete the weekly expectation by Thursday. You may see their progress, and allow them to work on their lessons at home by having them log-in to portal.dvusd.org with their school username and ID. From there they click on CLEVER on the left-hand side of the screen, and click on iReady. 

    Fun Friday activities depend on iReady lessons they complete and the work they produce throughout the week. 

    Cursive will be an expectation by the end of Third Grade. Practicing your name and letters we learn at school will be helpful.


     By Spring of 2025, all students are expected to write 75% or more in cursive. Please encourage your child to write in cursive at home, and constructively provide feedback if you feel it's needed.

     2024-2025 Calendar

    In Social Studies/ Arizona History, students have completed learning about the three regions of the United States; Plateau, Mountain, and Desert. For the next couple of weeks we will be learning about the early indigenous people of Arizona.

    In Science, students are learning about the phenomenon of sound. Students will be creating their own instruments and songs.

    In ELA, students are completing the last chapter of Stone Fox, by John Reynolds Gardiner. It is a wonderful story about courage and perseverance. Students are also working on the text structure of a passage, sequencing, cause and effect, compare and contrast, description, and problem and solution.

    In writing, students are working on the craft of informational writing, focusing on purpose, hook in the introduction, body, and a strong conclusion. They are always assessed on organization (clear beginning, middle, end, with smooth transitions), elaboration (lots of details and descriptions), and conventions (punctuation and spelling). Students will be submitting a draft through Canvas. I will provide feedback, so they can go back and revise. Students will resubmit as many times as they want to achieve the best grade possible. 

    As always, students continue working hard on decoding and defining multi-syllabic words. Students will review all six-syllable types, and will continue identifying them in words they read. The hardest ones are the vowel teams (ai, ie, ei, oi, ea, ae, ow, aw) when it comes to spelling.

    In math, we are working on MULTIPLICATION. The i-ready math program focuses on strategies and understanding concepts. It also has interactive support such as fluency practice, my path, teacher assigned, and games. "My path" is a specially designed program strictly to meet your child's needs. The "teacher assigned" lessons are lessons I assign that support the lessons being taught in the classroom. All interactive activities can be done at home if you feel your child needs homework. The students can get to i-ready through Clever.

    Also, please encourage your child to practice their addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts.

     If your child is missing school, they can go to and log in with their school user ID and password. Here they should be able to see the sites on the left side of the screen. They may have to go to the "more" tab. Students go to  CLEVER for any online school access. 

    Throughout the year, students will learn math games:

    Class math games to play at home: Students have the rules and directions in their Math Notebooks.

    (NEW) Make a list of measurements around the house, use the grams and mL on the containers and compare the weight or volume. This activity helps with subtraction and with regrouping.

    Close to 100 - materials: cards Aces (1) through 9

    Close to 1000 - materials: cards Aces (1) through 9

    Ten over 10 - materials: Aces (1) through 9 

    Commutative Property-materials: dice or cards: make two numbers, add or multiply. a + b = b + a

    Associative Property - materials: dice  (3 or more) or cards add or multiply the numbers (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)

    Distributive Property-materials: dice or cards, paper to build arrays 3 x 15 = (3x10) + (3x5)

    Fact Family-When building arrays, write the fact family equations: 3 x 4 = 12, 12 / 4 =3

    As a parent, the most important thing you can do is continue asking your child what they learned about a specific topic in school today. Some examples could be: what story or stories did you read or listen to today? What was your favorite part? What did you do in ____________?  



    -Genius Coach "The Importance of Play"

    If you want a fun family field trip,  has many shows throughout the year.  








     If you ever need to reach out to me, my email is, heather.dymond@dvusd.org.


