Phone: 623-376-3162


Degrees and Certifications:

BS Mathematics SUNY Albany 1995 BS Business (Mkt & Mngmt) SUNY Albany 1995 Coaching Certificate SUNY Albany 1994 Teaching Certification ASU 1998

Mr. Jason Girnius

I'm originally from New York where I grew up, attended high school, and went to College.  I attended the State University of Albany from 1990 - 1995.  I majored in Business and Math, and played basketball during my 5 years as a Great Dane.  I moved to Arizona during the summer of 1995 and I've been here ever since.  This is my 27th year as a high school math teacher.  I was at Desert Mountain high school in Scottsdale for 7 years and this is my 20th year at Mountain Ridge.  My wife Danielle is a school psychologist in the Deer Valley Unified School District and I have three wonderful children.  Madison is 21 years old and is a Senior at Fresno Pacific University where she is playing volleyball and studying Pre-Health Sciences. Braedon is 20 years old and is a Junior at Arizona State University where he is applying his private pilot's license to work towards becoming a commercial airline pilot.  Ethan is 16 years old and is in 11th grade at MRHS.