

Degrees and Certifications:

Abigail Davies

Hi and welcome to 2nd Grade! I am so excited that you're here! A little about me is I grew up in the Bay Area of California.  I grew up with both of my parents being speech pathologists that taught within schools. With both of my parents working in schools I knew growing up that teaching was definitely something I wanted to do. I had many internships where I worked in classrooms throughout my years in high school and college.  I graduated from Grand Canyon University with a bachelors in Elementary Education. I student taught within 金多宝心水论坛 and absolutely fell in love with teaching. Although this is my first year of teaching 2nd grade, I have also taught 1st grade. I am so happy to be at Sunrise and am looking forward to the years ahead!


I love being in Arizona and being able to call it my home! Outside of school, you can find me playing games with my friends, going for a hike,or doing a puzzle. 


I am so excited to be a part of your school year :)