Welcome to Mrs.Kain's Page!

  • Course Information 

    2023-2024 Class Schedule

    1st Hour     Intermediate/Advanced Film/TV

    2nd Hour    Intro Film/TV

    3rd Hour     Intro Film/TV

    4th Hour     Prep

    5th Hour     Lunch

    6th Hour     AP Computer Fundamentals

    7th Hour    Adv/Intro Digital Communications   


  • What is CTE?

    • Stands for Career and Technical Education
    • CTE programs empower students to develop leadership, academic, and technical skills needed in the global economy for continuous learning and workforce success. 
    • Allows students the opportunity to learn about different career pathways BEFORE they go to college.
    • Offers opportunities to develop specialized skills while in high school and apply academic knowledge in real world settings.
    • Provides all students with cutting edge training in their chosen program of study, leading to diverse post-secondary options.
    • Opportunity to participate in program specific student organizations which include DECA, HOSA, FBLA, Skills USA, Educators Rising and more!


  • Contact Information 



    Classroom Phone:

     (623) 376-3101

    Room Number:



  • Syllabi:

    AP Computer Science Principles (CSP) 

    Intro Film/TV Syllabus

    Intermediate Film/TV Syllabus

    Advanced Film/TV Syllabus

    Adv/Intro Communications Syllabus

    Movie Permission Slip for Media Classes

    Office Hours:

    Office hours will be posted in my classroom weekly.  If a specific date and time is needed, please contact me. I am happy to work with your schedule.


  • What is Mountain Lion News? 

    • Mountain Lion News is the daily news show
    • It's a class where you learn the fundamentals of filmmaking and broadcast journalism
    • It's a class where you can be creative and learn to tell video stories
    • It's a class that will prepare you for any career field you might enter
    • It's a class that you will make friends and create a bond you never knew you could have
    • A way to learn life skills and leadership skills by joining Skills Arizona and compete with filmmakers across the state
    • A place to submit your awesome video projects to contests around the country and build up a resume of projects through Rocky Mountain Emmy's and Student Television Network
  • What is Ridge Journalism?

    • Online school newspaper
    • A place to learn to be a journalist
    • A place to report on what's going on at school
    • A reason to go to sports and creative arts events
    • A safe place to share thoughts and be included in something bigger than yourself