Phone: 623.445.8779


Degrees and Certifications:

MBA, Information Systems BS, Information Technology (Web Design / Development) Autodesk Inventor Certification Member - ASU Helios Impact Corps

Mr. Andrew Jordan

Ready to create?

Welcome to class!

My name is Mr. Jordan and this will be my 20th year teaching tech and design...and I love it (otherwise I wouldn't be teaching it)! Whether you're joining me for the first time or a returning student, I'm glad that you're here! We'll be doing some fun things over the duration of your stay:

• In Intro to Engineering Design, you will learn about the Engineering Design Process, we'll be doing some applied science and math, and you will learn to use our CAD program of choice, Autodesk Inventor 2024.

• In Graphic Design, you will use the Design Process to create some cool graphics! You will either learn the basics of some cool Adobe applications in Intro, or expand upon your learning from last year in Intermediate and Advanced.

• And you'll get to draw too!

Now you might be saying to yourself, "I can't draw worth beans!" and I'm going to tell you that drawing is all part of the creative process; you have to know how to piece together a concept sketch for a client and that's one of the cool things I'll be teaching you this year. In fact, we will only be using computers for the first three weeks of the class to access our assignments on Canvas (that's all of my classes btw).

"But I signed up for this class because I get to use a computer!"

Of course you did, and you will. However, it's important for you to know that the computer and the applications that we will be using are just tools. They do not know anything about design, and they need to be told what to do. Knowing Inventor, Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign without knowing anything about the design process or developing your innate creativity equals lame design. I know. I've seen it. It's not good. Trust me.

So get your sketch / engineering notebooks ready!

Looking forward to seeing you in class.

Mr. Jordan