Induction Mentor Program

What is the New Teacher Program?

Meet Your Mentors

  • Our Mentor team provides support to new 金多宝心水论坛 teachers, helping them become familiar with the culture and expectations of their school and district.  This includes providing individual systems of support to year-one and year-two teachers through regular classroom visits, as well as timely and specified trainings.  

    April Fraley - Coordinator, Personnel Development      

    Stefanie Ewbank - Coordinator, Teacher Prep Program (TPP)    

    Kim McLuen - Induction Mentor Specialist K-8

    Pam Nelson -  Induction Mentor Specialist K-8  

    Lori Blaine -  Induction Mentor Specialist K-8

    Paul Ekland -  Induction Mentor Specialist 7-12

    Brandi Martin - Induction Mentor Special K-6 TPP 

    Kelly Southard - Induction Mentor Specialist, Special Education

    Amanda Amiel - Induction Mentor Specialist, Special Education

    Discover more about 金多宝心水论坛's unique Teacher Prep Program.


    Mentor Team

Meet DeAnte Livingston

Meet Taylor Pratt

Meet Sam Casanova

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    New Teacher  Spotlight


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    • Supported by Highly Qualified Teacher Leaders
    • Advancement of Instructional Practices
    • Participate in Professional Development opportunities
    • Targeted individualized support
    • Opportunity to collaborate with grade level cohorts


