Service Hours

  • Every member of the NJHS-Terramar Chapter must complete 10 hours of community service per quarter; Seven(7) of these hours need to be completed through school activities and three(3) can be in the community or service area of your choice. Below are the guidelines regarding hours. 
    • Seven hours can be completed at Terramar.  These could be service hours for PTSA, exploratory, the athletic and arts departments, after-school tutoring, and helping teachers in their classrooms. (Hours served during NJHS-sponsored events are not eligible)
    • Three hours must be completed outside of school. This can be done at retirement centers, animal shelters, helping a neighbor with yard work or child care, hospitals, etc. 
    • Remember that you must not profit from providing this service (in other words, you cannot be paid).
    • If you are having trouble finding a place to complete hours off-campus, contact me!  I can help.