• Duffy's Weekly News


    Hello Kindergarten Families! 



    We have been learning about the weather in science class.  We watched some videos about different kinds of storms and learned how people prepare for them.  We made a breeze buddy and took it outside to see how much wind we had.  We had a lot of fun following directions to make our breeze buddy and recording the results after we took it outside. 



    Each week, different children help out with some classroom duties.  We have a greeter, a soap person, and a trach person.  The children love to help.  Everyone will get a turn before the end of the year. 



    The class is doing a great job of working in reading centers every morning.  We work on phonemic awareness, letter sounds and blending words in my group, while others work independently to reinforce letter sounds and other important reading skills. The children love the chance to move around and to interact with friends. 



    Some parents probably remember Miss Viola Swamp from books they read as kindergartners.  We read Miss Nelson is Missing and learned about Viola.  She used to be a mean sub, but is retired now.  Well, the story goes that she comes in from time to time when the students are not in the room and grades papers.  She is very picky and only chooses the best work to display on her board.  If your child comes home with a Viola stamp, you know that they have worked hard to earn it!  The class is enjoying wondering if the Viola is real or not….


    Below you will find the weekly focus for each content area and reminders for the week of Sep 16 - Sep 20: 

    Phonemic Awareness/Phonics:

    • Review: 
      • Isolate the initial sound in a spoken word
      • Phonemic Blending 


    • New:
      • Segment onset and rime (th-ink, p-aper) 
      • Letters Nn and Dd
      • Blend letters to read cvc (consonant-vowel-consonant) words. -Did you notice our paper decodable books have stepped up with difficulty?  These books are ideal because they use sight words that have been taught in class, and decodable words that are made of letters we’ve studied in depth.

    Letter sounds previously taught:  Mm, Tt, Ss, Bb, Aa



    • Story: Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed and Pete the Cat: Too Cool for School 
    • Sight Word(s): is, man, no
    • Narrative writing
    • When writing a sentence, write the first sound of each word. 
    • Story Elements - Character & Setting
    • Problem and Solution


    Sight words already taught: the, a, see, I, by, my, to, am, at, go

    • Please look for the little reading books in the folder and practice reading them with your child every day.



    • Use various strategies to count through 10 when items are in different configurations (5-group, scatter, circle, etc).
    • When given a number to 10, provide a count of that many items.
    • Rote counting through 10.
    • Use the “5 shortcut” to quickly count the number of items in a group.
    • Order numbers to 10 using counting knowledge and the concept of “1 more”.


    Social Studies:

    • Citizenship, Classroom Rules and School Community



    • Weather & Seasons


    Special Area Classes:

    • Monday: Day 2  PE
    • Tuesday:  Day 3  MUSIC
    • Wednesday:  Day 4  MUSIC
    • Thursday:  Day 5  ART/LIBRARY
    • Friday: Day 6  ART



    • APEX fundraiser begins 9/17.   Click here,   for more information


    • Friday 9/20 is a 1:20 dismissal day for Kindergarten. 

    • Please remember that the school dress code also applies to kindergarten. Spaghetti strap tops are not allowed.





    Please read the important information above about volunteering to help on field trips or in class.  You will need to renew your status even if you have already taken the class.