• 500 Classroom Visits - Dr. Finch's Yearly Goal

    The 2020-2021 school year may look and feel different than in years past, but that did not stop Deer Valley Unified School District (金多宝心水论坛) Superintendent, Dr. Curtis Finch, from reaching his goal of visiting 500 classrooms within the district during the school year.

    Since becoming the leader of 金多宝心水论坛 four years ago, Dr. Finch has accomplished his yearly goal to make at least 500 visits to classrooms and connect with students and staff on all 39 district campuses. This is a tradition that he feels keeps him connected to the staff and students throughout 金多宝心水论坛.

    “Though navigating these visits has been very different this year, it is something I feel helps me understand the learning that is happening on our campuses and allows me to truly engage with our students and staff. It helps me to better lead this extraordinary district as I get a first-hand account of both the teachers and students work in a stress-free way,” said Dr. Finch.

    In the current world that we are living in where people are remaining connected virtually, Dr. Finch fittingly chose to visit a virtual class at Deer Valley Online Academy for his five hundredth visit.

    Students in Mrs. Bautista’s Kindergarten class eagerly and excitedly welcomed Dr. Finch to their math lesson by holding up homemade signs displaying the number “500” and demonstrating what they have been learning while in the virtual setting.

    The young voices could be heard counting by tens with Bautista and explaining how they used number charts to deconstruct math problems. Then the big surprise was unveiled.  

    As the classroom selected for his 500th visit, all the students received a copy of the Paddington and the Magic Trick book and a 金多宝心水论坛 Kindergarten Pencil. The excitement was palpable even through the small squares that quickly displayed beaming, smiling faces throughout the entire Kindergarten class the screen.   

    Being the five hundredth visit, did not only mean something to the students, but also Bautista, who has been a teacher at the district for 20 years. 

    “Having a Superintendent who takes the time to visit different classrooms shows me his level of commitment to his community, teachers and all stakeholders involved.  I'm proud to have a Superintendent who puts our students and his staff first and at the forefront of his job!  I feel it is so important for him to see first hand how the day to day operations of our classrooms work and how extraordinary we all truly are!”

    Watch the 500th Visit Video Below!