
    Jennie Paperman Headshot

    Jennie Paperman

  • Jennie Paperman
    Governing Board Member
    Arizona School Boards Association (ASBA) Legislative Delegate Alternate
    Began Serving: 1/1/21
    Current Term Expires: 12/31/2024


    Jennie Paperman is a Deer Valley Unified School District resident, parent, and a teacher from Glendale Elementary School District. Jennie has 16 years of experience in education and has worked in New York City and Arizona.

    Jennie is a parent of three children who have attended Deer Valley Unified School District. Jennie obtained a bachelor of the Arts from the City University of New York-Staten Island, Master of Arts in Elementary Education from Arizona State University, and Master of Educational Leadership from Northern Arizona University. Jennie believes in high academic standards and school accountability. She also believes that it is important to invest in our children’s education in order to build future leaders, who just might bring hope and peace in this world. Jennie has always advocated for public education and values the importance of community collaboration to meet educational goals and strengthen relationships. Jennie believes that all stakeholders need to work together in order to prepare students to succeed in a global economy. When individuals work together for the common good, it strengthens and builds positive relationships.