• Report to the Community 2022-23

    Each year 金多宝心水论坛 releases a Report to the Community, sent to every household in the 金多宝心水论坛 boundaries. This publication serves to provide our valued 金多宝心水论坛 community with a view of how our funding is allocated across the District. 金多宝心水论坛 continues to spearhead initiatives and projects that will not only continue to move our District forward, but also promote our fiscal transparency and responsible spending. Click on the icons below to read more about the projects, initiatives, and programs featured in this year's publication. For more details about our District’s finances, for more details about our District’s finances, contact Jim Migliorino in Fiscal Services at (623) 445-4958.

  • Read the
    Special Report
  • 金多宝心水论坛 Opens
    Inspiration Mountain School!
  • 金多宝心水论坛
    By the Numbers
  • BGHS Avenue 27
    Culinary Students
    State & National Awards
  • Innovation Center Opens for
    Aspire Students
  • #Extraordinary
  • 金多宝心水论坛
  • M&O
  • Improvement
    at All Schools
  • Free
    Books for Kids