• Mr. Jones' Classroom Expectations

    “Rules and consequences imply a desire to control. Expectations and growth plans connote positivity and a focus on the students.”


    Expectations give students a sense of ownership over their behaviors.  Expectations communicate to students what they should aim to achieve, giving them the responsibility to self-monitor their actions and progress.


    Here are some generic classroom expectations. Each class will contribute their unique perspectives, experiences, and needs.

    Respect Others: This is a broad expectation that covers a wide range of behaviors. It encompasses everything from respecting personal space to being considerate when others are speaking.

    Take Responsibility for Learning: This expectation promotes autonomy and encourages students to take charge of their education. It includes behaviors such as completing assignments on time, asking for help when needed, and actively participating in class.

    Engage Positively: This encourages students to engage with class content, their peers, and the teacher in a positive manner. It could include raising hands before speaking, listening attentively to others, and providing constructive feedback. It does not mean they have to be in a positive mindset all the time though. Students have other emotions, it’s not healthy for students to only experience life through one lens. 

    Create a Safe Learning Environment: This expectation prioritizes the safety and well-being of everyone in the classroom. It covers both physical safety—such as using equipment properly—and emotional safety, like being kind and supportive to each other.

    Be Prepared: This expectation encourages students to come to class ready to learn, with all necessary materials and a mindset prepared for the day’s lessons.

    Stay Engaged: This can include behaviors such as maintaining eye contact, actively participating in class discussions, and staying on task during work time.

    Show Integrity: This expectation promotes honesty and ethical behavior, such as doing one’s own work and acknowledging sources when conducting research.

    Use Time Wisely: This expectation could be applied to working efficiently in class, prioritizing tasks effectively, and adhering to timelines for assignments.

    Celebrate Diversity: This expectation encourages students to value and respect the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of their classmates.

    Problem-solve Collaboratively: This expectation urges students to work together to solve problems, helping them develop teamwork and negotiation skills.

    Practice Empathy: This expectation asks students to understand and respect the feelings of others. It can be reinforced through group work, discussions, and conflict resolution sessions.

    Express Gratitude: Encouraging students to express gratitude for help or kind gestures they receive promotes a positive classroom culture.

    Persist Through Challenges: This expectation teaches students about resilience, encouraging them to keep trying and not give up when faced with difficulties in their learning.

    Respect Class Time: This expectation covers behaviors like being punctual, minimizing disruptions, and focusing on the task at hand during class time.