• The Academy of Civic Engagement and Advanced Studies

    at Sandra Day O'Connor High School

    Follow us on Instagram! @TheAcademy_OC

  • Who We Are

    The Academy is a 4-year program that focuses on civic engagement and college readiness through a variety of courses, guest speakers, field trips, and interactive learning. Students who are accepted into the Academy automatically become part of the Advanced Academics program, which includes Honors/Pre-AP/AP courses.

    Academy students are grouped together in their Social Studies and English courses, which means that you'll travel through high school with a group of friends and classmates you can lean on. Academy teachers are all certified for Honors and AP courses, and have some of the highest success rates for students taking the AP College Board exams.

  • Required Classes

    Freshman Year

    • AP Human Geography
    • ELA 1-2 H
    • Biology H

    Sophomore Year

    • World History AP
    • ELA 3-4 H
    • Chemistry H
    • US II Online / Hybrid

    Junior Year

    • AP U.S. History
    • AP Language & Composition

    Senior Year

    • AP U.S. Government
    • AP Economics
    • AP Literature & Composition
    • US IV Online / Hybrid (includes internship)
  • US II and IV Courses

    US II (Sophomore Year) - Focuses on American History viewed in the scope of world events, with a focus on historical research. This is an online course consisting of long-term projects.

    US IV (Senior Year) - Students complete a year-long, community-focused project. Students connect with civic duty, history, and career-oriented skills. 

  • Seal of Civic Literacy

    Academy students have the opportunity to graduate with the

  • Summer Travel Opportunities

    We offer an optional trip every summer the week after school gets out. Each trip is focused on a specific theme of American history and/or civic engagement.

    See Where We've Been!

    • Philadelphia, PA (2023)
    • Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, CO (2024)
  • Summer Trip 2025

    Civil Rights Tour:





    More information is coming soon!